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WordPress Maintenance Package: What should it include and why it is good for your business?

Learn how a WordPress Maintenance Package can help you keep your site secure, fast, and up-to-date. Want to know what they should include?
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If you have a WordPress website, you might have heard of WordPress maintenance packages. But what are they exactly and why do you need them?. WordPress websites need regular maintenance to keep them secure, fast, and functional. That’s why it wouldn’t be a bad idea to think about a WordPress maintenance package.

A WordPress maintenance package is a service that provides ongoing support and care for your WordPress website. It includes tasks such as updating WordPress core, plugins, and themes, backing up your website, scanning for malware, optimizing performance, fixing bugs, and more.

But not all WordPress maintenance packages are the same. Depending on your website’s needs and goals, you might need different features and benefits from your WordPress maintenance provider. Below we’ll go over what WordPress maintenance packages are, why you need them, and how to choose the best one for your business.

What are WordPress maintenance packages and what do they include?

A WordPress maintenance package is a service that provides you with regular and professional support for your WordPress site. It includes tasks such as:

  • Updating WordPress core, themes, and plugins to the latest versions
  • Performing backups of your site and restoring them if needed
  • Scanning and removing malware and spam from your site
  • Optimizing your site speed and performance
  • Monitoring your site uptime and traffic
  • Providing technical support and troubleshooting

WordPress care plans are monthly or yearly packs that provide you with ongoing support and services for your WordPress website. They are designed to keep your website secure, updated, optimized, and running smoothly. It can also include additional features such as backups, malware removal, performance monitoring, SEO optimization, content updates and much more.

The care plans can vary depending on the provider and the plan you choose. However, some of the common services that most WordPress maintenance packages include are:

WordPress Core Updates

WordPress is constantly evolving and releasing new versions, features, and security patches. Keeping your WordPress core, themes, and plugins updated is essential for the functionality and security of your website. However, updating WordPress can be time-consuming and sometimes risky if you don’t know what you’re doing. A WordPress maintenance package can take care of all the updates for you, ensuring that your website is always running on the latest version of WordPress and compatible with all the themes and plugins.

Plugin and theme updates

Plugins and themes are also updated frequently by their developers to fix issues, add functionality, and enhance compatibility. Updating your plugins and themes is important to avoid conflicts, errors, and vulnerabilities.


Backups are crucial for any website owner. They allow you to restore your website in case of a disaster such as a hack, a server crash, or a human error. However, backups can be complicated and tedious to set up and manage. A WordPress maintenance package can provide you with regular backups of your website files and database, stored in a secure cloud location. You can also request a backup restore anytime you need it.


Security is one of the biggest concerns for any website owner. WordPress websites are often targeted by hackers and malicious bots that can compromise your website’s integrity and reputation. A WordPress maintenance package can help you protect your website from cyberattacks by implementing security measures such as SSL certificates, firewall protection, malware scanning and removal, spam filtering, brute force prevention, and more.

Speed Optimization

Optimization is another important aspect of maintaining a WordPress website. A fast and responsive website can improve your user experience, your SEO ranking, and your conversion rate. A WordPress maintenance package can help you optimize your website’s performance by implementing best practices such as caching, minification, compression, image optimization, database optimization, and more.

Uptime monitoring

Uptime monitoring is a service that alerts you when your website goes down or becomes unreachable. This is a service that checks the availability and performance of your site and alerts you if something goes wrong. It is useful to minimize downtime and avoid losing visitors or customers.

Activity tracking and reporting

Having a detailed report of the previous month’s activity at hand can be a very useful tool, especially when something is not working as expected.

Obtaining metrics is not difficult, but it is something that many website owners don’t find time for and don’t always find meaning in. However, keeping a log of the activities performed on the website or website analytics, could be useful for bug fixing or SEO tracking.

A decent website maintenance company should, at the very least, provide you with a simple monthly report summarizing the modifications made to your website, the number of uptime and other pertinent statistics.

Maintaining a WordPress site can be quite complex and time consuming. Leaving it in the hands of professionals can be a wise investment.

Why Do You Need a WordPress Maintenance Package?

You might wonder why you need a WordPress maintenance package when you can do some of these tasks yourself. However, there are many benefits of hiring a professional WordPress maintenance service instead of DIY-ing it. Here are some of them:

  • Save time: Maintaining a WordPress website can be time-consuming and tedious. You have to check for updates regularly, run backups manually, scan for malware frequently, optimize performance constantly, fix bugs occasionally, and monitor uptime constantly. By outsourcing these tasks to a WordPress maintenance service, you can save time and focus on your core business activities.
  • Save money: Maintaining a WordPress website can also be costly if you don’t have the right tools or skills. You might have to buy premium plugins or themes, hire developers or designers, or pay for hosting or security services. By hiring a WordPress maintenance service, you can save money by paying a fixed monthly fee that covers all these expenses.
  • Save hassle: Maintaining a WordPress website can also be stressful and frustrating if you encounter problems or issues that you don’t know how to solve. You might have to deal with hackers, errors, conflicts,
    or slow loading times that affect your website performance or reputation. By hiring a WordPress maintenance service, you can save hassle by having a dedicated team of experts who can handle any situation and provide support whenever you need it.

How to Choose the Best WordPress Care Plan for Your Business?

Now that you know what WordPress maintenance packages are and why you need one, you may be wondering how to choose the best one for your business. And to tell you the truth that’s a pretty tricky point, since there are many factors you need to take into account when comparing different WordPress maintenance services.

There are many WordPress maintenance packages available in the market, but not all of them are created equal. Some may offer more features or better quality than others. Therefore, you need to do some research and compare different options before making a decision.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a WordPress Maintenance Package:

  • Scope of services: What tasks are included in the package? How often are they performed? How much customization is possible?
  • Price: How much does the package cost? Is it a one-time fee or a recurring subscription? Are there any hidden fees or extra charges?
  • Reputation: Who is behind the package? How long have they been in business? What are their credentials and testimonials?
  • Communication: How easy is it to contact them? How responsive are they to your queries and requests? How do they report their work and results?

Conclusion: A WordPress maintenance package is what you need

WordPress care plans are a great way to keep your WordPress website secure, updated, optimized, and running smoothly. They can also provide you with additional features and benefits that can help you grow your website and your business.

Maintaining a WordPress site can be time-consuming and complex. That’s why leaving it in the hands of professionals can be a smart investment. Find a WordPress maintenance package today that fits your needs and your budget. You’ll be glad you did.

If you have a WordPress site, you should not ignore its maintenance. It is essential for keeping your site functional, secure, and successful.